the material

Recycling soil

Recycling topsoil and compost soil

Soils are recycled for use as topsoil and compost soil. Depending on the content of the soil, there are different methods to ensure recycling and convert a waste into marketable products.

For example, soils can be recycled from excavated material, thus avoiding the removal of material that can be reused on site. By recycling materials, new soil does not have to be dug up and transported by heavy traffic to the site. This means major economic benefits for landowners in terms of reduced transportation, reduced purchases and reduced landfill costs. It also means major environmental benefits in the form of reduced traffic and reuse of existing masses.

Different methods for different soils

Today, large amounts of soil from industrial establishments, soil remediation, road construction, etc. are deposited in landfills. Here are some suggestions for handling depending on the type of soil 

  • Mixed soils with high moisture content - Possible solution is to sort by size with a star sieve allowing topsoil to be reused on site or sold.
  • Contaminated soils - Possible solution is to sort out the fine fraction that often contains contaminants and blow out organic matter that often absorbs contaminants.
  • Too large a stone to be used as soil - Possible solution is to divide the stone into several fractions such as macadam, bedding, sand, etc. These fractions can then be used to replace virgin material.
  • Plastic pollution in the soil - Separating plastic particles from compost soil by adding an air extractor

Recycling with an air extractor

Compost soil containing smaller plastic particles can be harmful to nature to reuse without separating the plastics from the soil. By using an air vacuum, it is possible to remove the plastic waste.

Soils containing other types of contaminants can be managed and recycled by knowing the right techniques and methods.

Movie 1: Shows how plastic waste is separated from compost soil.

Analyze the soil first

If the soil is contaminated, it is often possible to enrich the contamination so that only a small part needs to be landfilled or destroyed. 

The analysis is simply important to determine what can be recovered and what requires other measures. Some contaminants can cause damage and pollution in the area.

Washing equipment for soils

Effective recycling of soils from excavated soil can contribute to better resource management. There are currently rules that determine whether or not excavated soil should be regarded as waste. Earthworks that are not considered waste are recycled through the general environmental requirements of the Environmental Code, while earthworks that are considered waste must be examined by an authority.

There is also the option of transporting the mass to a more advanced treatment facility, where analyses are carried out to maximize recovery and detoxification. The material that cannot be recycled or detoxified finally ends up in a controlled landfill. Norditek's experience is that with the right methods and machinery, it is possible to further reduce landfill.

Sorting soils with Norditek

Recycling of soils and excavated material saves the environment and reduces costs. Even if the masses contain environmentally harmful substances, it is often possible to recycle large parts of the soil and excavated material, thus reducing the use of virgin products, which is a positive environmental aspect.

We have well-developed methods to optimize the recycling and handling of excavated material and topsoil. We are more than happy to help you find the right machine or concept depending on your local conditions.

Movie 2: Shows a star sieve that transforms excavated material into high quality soil.

What materials do you have?

Let us propose the best solution for you. We can also come out to test-drive your material.

Machines for this concept

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Feel free to contact us and we will tell you more about how you can maximize your recycling.